2009 presidential election

In this year, our beloved leader will ended his role in indonesia's parliamentary, weather he could be elected or not, I'm still not sure of that, but obviously there are 2 other candidates that gave a strong influences in the most indonesian.
I honestly still confuse about my choice in the next presidential election, but certaintly I have enough with the neo-liberal economic policy that is made by our president, that policy has bring so many disaster especially to the mid low range indonesian households, if you are think about the indonesian successfull step in the past year, now go on the mental hospital and see what happen....
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it has a serious major upgrade when Mr. president announce to increase the fuel prize, but it then didnt stop, neo liberal economic policy has made more and more people become stress, they want to kill themself, a number of suicide has increased rapidly in the past few years, BLT program is another story that brings some classified classes among the society... and the biggest mistakes that our presidents has made is the rare of fuel, gas etc... it is really made me out of mind, when I had a long trip and my gas is empty, I confused and didnt know where should I go, all of the gas stations is empty??? it make me sick.... for the first time in history, a crude made country didnt have enoudh fuel to run its economy??? beside that huh,... a rare of manure brings another grief to the mid low households accross the indonesia...
just forget about our presidents and move to another candidates, Ms. megawati... I dont want her to ruling because when she ruling the government for the first time since 1999 we have lost our island (singkidan lingkidan) and known indonesian as a beggar make me sick (that is she what has told)... meanwhile her vice president candidates has enough bad history related to 1998 clash and riots that make a turning point for indonesia, a turning point to get worsen condition....
other candidates, I dont now exatcly but Mr. Jk hmmm...... I have no comments to that man, it seems like he had so many challenges... and wiranto..... I don know him also,... but it seems I like them both....

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