Snoopy PHP Grabber

Nah bagi cowok dan cewek blogspot yang wannabe mampus, ni ada class PHP yang untuk buat situs copycat gitu, dia bisa ambil tulisannya doank atau ambil link link nya doank, ya gitu deh...

with no further a do here is the readme:
What is Snoopy?

Snoopy is a PHP class that simulates a web browser. It automates the
task of retrieving web page content and posting forms, for example.

Some of Snoopy's features:

* easily fetch the contents of a web page
* easily fetch the text from a web page (strip html tags)
* easily fetch the the links from a web page
* supports proxy hosts
* supports basic user/pass authentication
* supports setting user_agent, referer, cookies and header content
* supports browser redirects, and controlled depth of redirects
* expands fetched links to fully qualified URLs (default)
* easily submit form data and retrieve the results
* supports following html frames (added v0.92)
* supports passing cookies on redirects (added v0.92)


Snoopy requires PHP with PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions),
which should be PHP 3.0.9 and up. For read timeout support, it requires
PHP 4 Beta 4 or later. Snoopy was developed and tested with PHP 3.0.12.

jangan tanya artinya karena beta juga masih sibuk bolak balik kamus, udah bertahun tahun bolak balik kamus eh baru nyampe paragraf kedua..... #antiklimaks

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